Setup Git on AWS EC2 Linux and clone the repo on Local Windows Machine

  • Setup and Launch an EC2 linux Instance
  • Install Git on EC2 linux
  • Create multiple users on EC2 linux to access the machine and use Git
  • Create an empty Git Repo on EC2 linux
  • Give users access to Git
  • Clone Git on a local windows machine

Create a new EC2 Linux instance
  • Amazon Linux 2 AMI
  • General purpose t2.micro
  • Setup inbound security rule to allow your machine SSH into the EC2
    • SSH port 22 : <your machine's public ip>
      • You can also click "my ip" in the drop down

Log in to your linux EC2 with default user (ec2-user) through putty

  • In putty, load the pem file and convert it into ppk file
  • In putty > Auth > load the ppk file

Enter the command: Sudo yum install git -y

Enter "Git --version" to verify if the Git has been successfully installed on EC2 or not

Next step is to create users in EC2 Linux for login and for committing code to Git:

·       Open Puttygen and click generate

o    Select Type of key to generate = RSA

o    Number of bytes = 2048

·       Once the loading is finished

o    Click “Save public key”

o    Click “Save private key”

§  Give a name to your private key (e.g.: test2pvt.ppk)

·       Log in to your linux EC2 with default user (ec2-user) through putty

o    In Auth, pass the ppk file of the default user

·       Create a new user

o    Sudo adduser new_user1

·       Switch to the new user

o    Sudo su – new_user1

·       Create a .ssh directory

o    Mkdir .ssh

·       Assign the appropriate permissions

o    Chmod 700 .shh

·       Create authorized_keys file

o    Touch .ssh/authorized_keys

·       Assign the appropriate perissions

o    Chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

·       Open the ppk file you created for the new user and copy the algorithm and key

·       Enter the key that you generate for the new user in the above file

o    Vi .ssh/authorized_keys

Note: make your key in one line and enter the algorithm name in front of the key and the key file name at the end (for e.g.: test2pvt was the name of the file you created for this user)

·       Login to your new user using putty

Now we will create an empty Git Repo and configure user access:

·       On you EC2 Linux, type the below commands:

o    Mkdir testGitRepo.git

o    Cd testGitRepo.git

o    Git init –bare      (this will initialize an empty repo)

·       Now go to your local windows machine

·       Create a folder for git on your local windows machine

·       open a command prompt

·       Navigate to that folder (cd </path/to/the/git/folder/on/your/local/machine)

·       Generate a rsa key for your local machine

o    Type: ssh-keygen –t rsa –b 2048

·       It will create public and private key and store the keys in your local machine

o    Path: users/username/.git/

·       Open the id_rsa file in your notepad

o    Copy the key

o    Note: make sure you copy the whole line and everything is in one line

·       Go back to your EC2 linux machine

·       Open the file “authorized_keys” using vi editor

o    Type: vi .ssh/authorized_keys

·       If you see an existing key, paste this new key on a new line after that existing key. Otherwise, simply paste the new key.

·       Save and exit the vi editor

·       Go back to your local machine and enter below commands

o    Git init

o    Git add .

o    Git commit –m “initial git commit”

o    Git remote add origin ec2-user@<your-full-ec2-public-ip>:/home/ec2-user/testGitRepo.git

o    Git config --global remote.origin.receivepack “git receive-pack” 

·       Try to do a git pull (clone the repo from ec2)

·       Enjoy
